Category Archives: Artificial Intelligence

Subgraph matching (isomorphism) using GPUs for managing commonsense knowledge, and a short list of other graph problems that have had benefit from multiprocessing

Ha-Nguyen Tran, Erik Cambria, Amir Hussain, Towards GPU-Based Common-Sense Reasoning: Using Fast Subgraph Matching, Cognitive Computation, December 2016, Volume 8, Issue 6, pp 1074–1086, DOI: 10.1007/s12559-016-9418-4.

Common-sense reasoning is concerned with simulating cognitive human ability to make presumptions about the type and essence of ordinary situations encountered every day. The most popular way to represent common-sense knowledge is in the form of a semantic graph. Such type of knowledge, however, is known to be rather extensive: the more concepts added in the graph, the harder and slower it becomes to apply standard graph mining techniques.In this work, we propose a new fast subgraph matching approach to overcome these issues. Subgraph matching is the task of finding all matches of a query graph in a large data graph, which is known to be a non-deterministic polynomial time-complete problem. Many algorithms have been previously proposed to solve this problem using central processing units. Here, we present a new graphics processing unit-friendly method for common-sense subgraph matching, termed GpSense, which is designed for scalable massively parallel architectures, to enable next-generation Big Data sentiment analysis and natural language processing applications.We show that GpSense outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms and efficiently answers subgraph queries on large common-sense graphs.

State of the art of symbolic planning, particularly the one that optimizes some cost, and a novel approach

Álvaro Torralba, Vidal Alcázar, Peter Kissmann, Stefan Edelkamp, Efficient symbolic search for cost-optimal planning, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 242, January 2017, Pages 52-79, ISSN 0004-3702, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2016.10.001.

In cost-optimal planning we aim to find a sequence of operators that achieve a set of goals with minimum cost. Symbolic search with Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) performs efficient state space exploration in terms of time and memory. This is crucial in optimal settings, in which large parts of the state space must be explored in order to prove optimality. However, the development of accurate heuristics for explicit-state search in recent years have left symbolic search techniques in a secondary place. In this article we propose two orthogonal improvements for symbolic search planning. On the one hand, we analyze and compare different methods for image computation in order to efficiently perform the successor generation on symbolic search. Image computation is the main bottleneck of symbolic search algorithms so an efficient computation is paramount for efficient symbolic search planning. On the other hand, we study how to use state-invariant constraints to prune states in symbolic search. This is essential in regression search but it is yet to be exploited in symbolic search planners. Experiments with symbolic bidirectional uniform-cost search and symbolic A ⁎ search with PDBs show remarkable performance improvements on most IPC benchmark domains. Overall, with the help of our improvements, symbolic bidirectional search outperforms explicit-state search with state-of-the-art heuristics such as LM-cut across many different domains.

Interesting mixture of automated planning with reinforcement learning

Matteo Leonetti, Luca Iocchi, Peter Stone, A synthesis of automated planning and reinforcement learning for efficient, robust decision-making, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 241, 2016, Pages 103-130, ISSN 0004-3702, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2016.07.004.

Automated planning and reinforcement learning are characterized by complementary views on decision making: the former relies on previous knowledge and computation, while the latter on interaction with the world, and experience. Planning allows robots to carry out different tasks in the same domain, without the need to acquire knowledge about each one of them, but relies strongly on the accuracy of the model. Reinforcement learning, on the other hand, does not require previous knowledge, and allows robots to robustly adapt to the environment, but often necessitates an infeasible amount of experience. We present Domain Approximation for Reinforcement LearnING (DARLING), a method that takes advantage of planning to constrain the behavior of the agent to reasonable choices, and of reinforcement learning to adapt to the environment, and increase the reliability of the decision making process. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on a service robot, carrying out a variety of tasks in an office building. We find that when the robot makes decisions by planning alone on a given model it often fails, and when it makes decisions by reinforcement learning alone it often cannot complete its tasks in a reasonable amount of time. When employing DARLING, even when seeded with the same model that was used for planning alone, however, the robot can quickly learn a behavior to carry out all the tasks, improves over time, and adapts to the environment as it changes.

Learning concepts from graphs in robotics, through first-order logic and discovery of subgraphs, forming arbitrary hierarchies

Ana C. Tenorio-González, Eduardo F. Morales, Automatic discovery of relational concepts by an incremental graph-based representation, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 83, 2016, Pages 1-14, ISSN 0921-8890, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2016.06.012.

Automatic discovery of concepts has been an elusive area in machine learning. In this paper, we describe a system, called ADC, that automatically discovers concepts in a robotics domain, performing predicate invention. Unlike traditional approaches of concept discovery, our approach automatically finds and collects instances of potential relational concepts. An agent, using ADC, creates an incremental graph-based representation with the information it gathers while exploring its environment, from which common sub-graphs are identified. The subgraphs discovered are instances of potential relational concepts which are induced with Inductive Logic Programming and predicate invention. Several concepts can be induced concurrently and the learned concepts can form arbitrarily hierarchies. The approach was tested for learning concepts of polygons, furniture, and floors of buildings with a simulated robot and compared with concepts suggested by users.

A computational cognitive architecture that models emotion

Ron Sun, Nick Wilson, Michael Lynch, Emotion: A Unified Mechanistic Interpretation from a Cognitive Architecture, Cognitive Computation, February 2016, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp 1–14, DOI: 10.1007/s12559-015-9374-4.

This paper reviews a project that attempts to interpret emotion, a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, from a mechanistic point of view, facilitated by an existing comprehensive computational cognitive architecture—CLARION. This cognitive architecture consists of a number of subsystems: the action-centered, non-action-centered, motivational, and metacognitive subsystems. From this perspective, emotion is, first and foremost, motivationally based. It is also action-oriented. It involves many other identifiable cognitive functionalities within these subsystems. Based on these functionalities, we fit the pieces together mechanistically (computationally) within the CLARION framework and capture a variety of important aspects of emotion as documented in the literature.

A formal study of the guarantees that deep neural network offer for classification

R. Giryes, G. Sapiro and A. M. Bronstein, “Deep Neural Networks with Random Gaussian Weights: A Universal Classification Strategy?,” in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64, no. 13, pp. 3444-3457, July1, 1 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2016.2546221.

Three important properties of a classification machinery are i) the system preserves the core information of the input data; ii) the training examples convey information about unseen data; and iii) the system is able to treat differently points from different classes. In this paper, we show that these fundamental properties are satisfied by the architecture of deep neural networks. We formally prove that these networks with random Gaussian weights perform a distance-preserving embedding of the data, with a special treatment for in-class and out-of-class data. Similar points at the input of the network are likely to have a similar output. The theoretical analysis of deep networks here presented exploits tools used in the compressed sensing and dictionary learning literature, thereby making a formal connection between these important topics. The derived results allow drawing conclusions on the metric learning properties of the network and their relation to its structure, as well as providing bounds on the required size of the training set such that the training examples would represent faithfully the unseen data. The results are validated with state-of-the-art trained networks.

A new theoretical framework for modeling concepts that allows them to combine reflecting the way humans do, with a good related-work on other concept frameworks in AI

Martha Lewis, Jonathan Lawry, Hierarchical conceptual spaces for concept combination, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 237, August 2016, Pages 204-227, ISSN 0004-3702, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2016.04.008.

We introduce a hierarchical framework for conjunctive concept combination based on conceptual spaces and random set theory. The model has the flexibility to account for composition of concepts at various levels of complexity. We show that the conjunctive model includes linear combination as a special case, and that the more general model can account for non-compositional behaviours such as overextension, non-commutativity, preservation of necessity and impossibility of attributes and to some extent, attribute loss or emergence. We investigate two further aspects of human concept use, the conjunction fallacy and the “guppy effect”.

How to make that a symbol becomes related to things on which it is not grounded, and a nice introduction to the symbolist/subsymbolist dilemma

Veale, Tony and Al-Najjar, Khalid (2016). Grounded for life: creative symbol-grounding for lexical invention. Connection Science 28(2). DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2015.1130025

One of the challenges of linguistic creativity is to use words in a way that is novel and striking and even whimsical, to convey meanings that remain stubbornly grounded in the very same world of familiar experiences as serves to anchor the most literal and unimaginative language. The challenge remains unmet by systems that merely shuttle or arrange words to achieve novel arrangements without concern as to how those arrangements are to spur the processes of meaning construction in a listener. In this paper we explore a problem of lexical invention that cannot be solved without a model ? explicit or implicit ? of the perceptual grounding of language: the invention of apt new names for colours. To solve this problem here we shall call upon the notion of a linguistic readymade, a phrase that is wrenched from its original context of use to be given new meaning and new resonance in new settings. To ensure that our linguistic readymades ? which owe a great deal to Marcel Duchamp’s notion of found art ? are anchored in a consensus model of perception, we introduce the notion of a lexicalised colour stereotype.

Limitations of the simulation of physical systems when used in AI reasoning processes for prediction

Ernest Davis, Gary Marcus, The scope and limits of simulation in automated reasoning, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 233, April 2016, Pages 60-72, ISSN 0004-3702, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2015.12.003.

In scientific computing and in realistic graphic animation, simulation – that is, step-by-step calculation of the complete trajectory of a physical system – is one of the most common and important modes of calculation. In this article, we address the scope and limits of the use of simulation, with respect to AI tasks that involve high-level physical reasoning. We argue that, in many cases, simulation can play at most a limited role. Simulation is most effective when the task is prediction, when complete information is available, when a reasonably high quality theory is available, and when the range of scales involved, both temporal and spatial, is not extreme. When these conditions do not hold, simulation is less effective or entirely inappropriate. We discuss twelve features of physical reasoning problems that pose challenges for simulation-based reasoning. We briefly survey alternative techniques for physical reasoning that do not rely on simulation.

Implementation of affects in artificial systems through MDPs

Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schröder, Areej Alhothali, Affect control processes: Intelligent affective interaction using a partially observable Markov decision process, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 230, January 2016, Pages 134-172, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2015.09.004.

This paper describes a novel method for building affectively intelligent human-interactive agents. The method is based on a key sociological insight that has been developed and extensively verified over the last twenty years, but has yet to make an impact in artificial intelligence. The insight is that resource bounded humans will, by default, act to maintain affective consistency. Humans have culturally shared fundamental affective sentiments about identities, behaviours, and objects, and they act so that the transient affective sentiments created during interactions confirm the fundamental sentiments. Humans seek and create situations that confirm or are consistent with, and avoid and suppress situations that disconfirm or are inconsistent with, their culturally shared affective sentiments. This “affect control principle” has been shown to be a powerful predictor of human behaviour. In this paper, we present a probabilistic and decision-theoretic generalisation of this principle, and we demonstrate how it can be leveraged to build affectively intelligent artificial agents. The new model, called BayesAct, can maintain multiple hypotheses about sentiments simultaneously as a probability distribution, and can make use of an explicit utility function to make value-directed action choices. This allows the model to generate affectively intelligent interactions with people by learning about their identity, predicting their behaviours using the affect control principle, and taking actions that are simultaneously goal-directed and affect-sensitive. We demonstrate this generalisation with a set of simulations. We then show how our model can be used as an emotional “plug-in” for artificially intelligent systems that interact with humans in two different settings: an exam practice assistant (tutor) and an assistive device for persons with a cognitive disability.