Academic Info

Full Professor / Catedrático de universidad
PhD in Computer Science / Dr. Ingeniero en Informática

· Machine Perception and Intelligent Robotics Group (MAPIR; PAIDI TEP960)
· Systems Engineering and Automation Dpt. (ISA)
· Institute for the Research on Mechatronic Engineering and Cyberphysical Systems
· University of Málaga – Spain (UMA)
· Adscripción: E.T.S.I. Industriales – hasta 2003; E.T.S.I. Informática – 2003 a 2016; E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación – desde 26/5/2016.

ORCID, Thomson’s ResearcherID, Google Scholar*, Scopus, ResearchGate, LinkedIn. (*) -> up-to-date guaranteed. A quite up-to-date CV is here. The University of Málaga maintains a quite complete collection of my teaching/researching work here.

Born in Córdoba (Spain), 1970, I started my academic career at the University of Málaga in 1996, after my MSc degree in Computer Science (1994) and a short (and very very low) position in a real-state developer. I got a pre-doctoral grant by the Spanish government for the time interval [1996,1999], during which I worked in my thesis. In the summer of 1998 I did a stay under the supervision of Prof. Ben J. Kuipers in the Computer Science Dpt. of the University of Texas at Austin (US), where I learned a little bit of that dark Middle-Earth dialect that is spoken in the state that you should not mess with (and how to look for shelter from tornados!). I obtained the PhD degree in Computer Science in 2000, an assistant professor position a few months after that, and a tenure as associate professor three years later. In october 2016 I got a full professor position in the University of Málaga. During these years I have been teaching on Real-Time, Robotics and Control Systems Engineering, developing robotic software, and exploring a number of lines of research mostly related to intelligent robotics (lately resuming my previous Cognitive Robotics work thanks to a stay in the CRNS, UK). I have also perceived the beginning of a monotonic decreasing path towards the most absolute absence of actual knowledge, but in spite of that I have supervised several PhD theses on Robotics, have participated in regional, national and European research projects (which has not alleviated the knowledge problem), and have a bunch of patents. I have at present around 110 scientific papers and three international books, and have acted as the principal researcher in some projects. My current (non-linear, time-varying) personal interests include writing (10 sci-fi books and more than 100 short stories published in Spanish), programming, drawing, and building robots, among other one thousand things I expect to begin after my retirement at the age of 90, when I have again some free time.

2 thoughts on “Academic Info

  1. Pingback: Dr. Ana Cruz Martin – MAPIR Research Group

  2. Pingback: Prof. Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez – MAPIR Research Group

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