Tag Archives: Value Function Approximation

Approximating the value function of RL through Max-Plus algebra

Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Max-plus approximation for reinforcement learning, . Automatica, Volume 129, 2021 DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109623.

Max-Plus Algebra has been applied in several contexts, especially in the control of discrete events systems. In this article, we discuss another application closely related to control: the use of Max-Plus algebra concepts in the context of reinforcement learning. Max-Plus Algebra and reinforcement learning are strongly linked due to the latter’s dependence on the Bellman Equation which, in some cases, is a linear Max-Plus equation. This fact motivates the application of Max-Plus algebra to approximate the value function, central to the Bellman Equation and thus also to reinforcement learning. This article proposes conditions so that this approach can be done in a simple way and following the philosophy of reinforcement learning: explore the environment, receive the rewards and use this information to improve the knowledge of the value function. The proposed conditions are related to two matrices and impose on them a relationship that is analogous to the concept of weak inverses in traditional algebra.

A universal approximator for the value function in continuous-state VI

William B. Haskell; Rahul Jain; Hiteshi Sharma; Pengqian Yu, TA Universal Empirical Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Continuous State MDPs, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ( Volume: 65, Issue: 1, Jan. 2020), DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2019.2907414.

We propose universal randomized function approximation-based empirical value learning (EVL) algorithms for Markov decision processes. The “empirical” nature comes from each iteration being done empirically from samples available from simulations of the next state. This makes the Bellman operator a random operator. A parametric and a nonparametric method for function approximation using a parametric function space and a reproducing kernel Hilbert space respectively are then combined with EVL. Both function spaces have the universal function approximation property. Basis functions are picked randomly. Convergence analysis is performed using a random operator framework with techniques from the theory of stochastic dominance. Finite time sample complexity bounds are derived for both universal approximate dynamic programming algorithms. Numerical experiments support the versatility and computational tractability of this approach.

A novel method for compacting a continuous high-dimensional value function for MDPs

Gorodetsky, A., Karaman, S., & Marzouk, Y., High-dimensional stochastic optimal control using continuous tensor decompositions, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 37(2–3), 340–377, DOI: 10.1177/0278364917753994.

Motion planning and control problems are embedded and essential in almost all robotics applications. These problems are often formulated as stochastic optimal control problems and solved using dynamic programming algorithms. Unfortunately, most existing algorithms that guarantee convergence to optimal solutions suffer from the curse of dimensionality: the run time of the algorithm grows exponentially with the dimension of the state space of the system. We propose novel dynamic programming algorithms that alleviate the curse of dimensionality in problems that exhibit certain low-rank structure. The proposed algorithms are based on continuous tensor decompositions recently developed by the authors. Essentially, the algorithms represent high-dimensional functions (e.g. the value function) in a compressed format, and directly perform dynamic programming computations (e.g. value iteration, policy iteration) in this format. Under certain technical assumptions, the new algorithms guarantee convergence towards optimal solutions with arbitrary precision. Furthermore, the run times of the new algorithms scale polynomially with the state dimension and polynomially with the ranks of the value function. This approach realizes substantial computational savings in “compressible” problem instances, where value functions admit low-rank approximations. We demonstrate the new algorithms in a wide range of problems, including a simulated six-dimensional agile quadcopter maneuvering example and a seven-dimensional aircraft perching example. In some of these examples, we estimate computational savings of up to 10 orders of magnitude over standard value iteration algorithms. We further demonstrate the algorithms running in real time on board a quadcopter during a flight experiment under motion capture.