Tag Archives: Fault Tolerance

Improving sensory information, diagnosis and fault tolerance by using multiple sensors and sensor fusion, with a good related work section (2.3) on fault tolerance on data fusion

Kaci Bader, Benjamin Lussier, Walter Schön, A fault tolerant architecture for data fusion: A real application of Kalman filters for mobile robot localization, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 88, February 2017, Pages 11-23, ISSN 0921-8890, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2016.11.015.

Multisensor perception has an important role in robotics and autonomous systems, providing inputs for critical functions including obstacle detection and localization. It is starting to appear in critical applications such as drones and ADASs (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). However, this kind of complex system is difficult to validate comprehensively. In this paper we look at multisensor perception systems in relation to an alternative dependability method, namely fault tolerance. We propose an approach for tolerating faults in multisensor data fusion that is based on the more traditional method of duplication–comparison, and that offers detection and recovery services. We detail an example implementation using Kalman filter data fusion for mobile robot localization. We demonstrate its effectiveness in this case study using real data and fault injection.

Checking the behavior of robotic software (i.e., verification) and embedded sw in general, with a good related work on the issue

Lyons, D.M.; Arkin, R.C.; Shu Jiang; Tsung-Ming Liu; Nirmal, P., Performance Verification for Behavior-Based Robot Missions, Robotics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.31, no.3, pp.619,636, June 2015, DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2015.2418592.

Certain robot missions need to perform predictably in a physical environment that may have significant uncertainty. One approach is to leverage automatic software verification techniques to establish a performance guarantee. The addition of an environment model and uncertainty in both program and environment, however, means that the state space of a model-checking solution to the problem can be prohibitively large. An approach based on behavior-based controllers in a process-algebra framework that avoids state-space combinatorics is presented here. In this approach, verification of the robot program in the uncertain environment is reduced to a filtering problem for a Bayesian network. Validation results are presented for the verification of a multiple-waypoint and an autonomous exploration robot mission.

Interesting paper on fault tolerance applied to robotics, with good survey of the subject

D. Crestani, K. Godary-Dejean, L. Lapierre, Enhancing fault tolerance of autonomous mobile robots, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 68, June 2015, Pages 140-155, ISSN 0921-8890, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2014.12.015.

Experience demonstrates that autonomous mobile robots running in the field in a dynamic environment often breakdown. Generally, mobile robots are not designed to efficiently manage faulty or unforeseen situations. Even if some research studies exist, there is a lack of a global approach that really integrates dependability and particularly fault tolerance into the mobile robot design.
This paper presents an approach that aims to integrate fault tolerance principles into the design of a robot real-time control architecture. A failure mode analysis is firstly conducted to identify and characterize the most relevant faults. Then the fault detection and diagnosis mechanisms are explained. Fault detection is based on dedicated software components scanning faulty behaviors. Diagnosis is based on the residual principle and signature analysis to identify faulty software or hardware components and faulty behaviors. Finally, the recovery mechanism, based on the modality principle, proposes to adapt the robot’s control loop according to the context and current operational functions of the robot.
This approach has been applied and implemented in the control architecture of a Pioneer 3DX mobile robot.