Tag Archives: Reinforcement Learning

Modelling emotions in adaptive agents through the action selection part of reinforcement learning, plus some references on the neurophysiological bases of RL and a good review of literature on emotions

Joost Broekens , Elmer Jacobs , Catholijn M. Jonker, A reinforcement learning model of joy, distress, hope and fear, Connection Science, Vol. 27, Iss. 3, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2015.1031081.

In this paper we computationally study the relation between adaptive behaviour and emotion. Using the reinforcement learning framework, we propose that learned state utility, V(s), models fear (negative) and hope (positive) based on the fact that both signals are about anticipation of loss or gain. Further, we propose that joy/distress is a signal similar to the error signal. We present agent-based simulation experiments that show that this model replicates psychological and behavioural dynamics of emotion. This work distinguishes itself by assessing the dynamics of emotion in an adaptive agent framework – coupling it to the literature on habituation, development, extinction and hope theory. Our results support the idea that the function of emotion is to provide a complex feedback signal for an organism to adapt its behaviour. Our work is relevant for understanding the relation between emotion and adaptation in animals, as well as for human–robot interaction, in particular how emotional signals can be used to communicate between adaptive agents and humans.

Transfer learning in reinforcement learning through case-based and the use of heuristics for selecting actions

Reinaldo A.C. Bianchi, Luiz A. Celiberto Jr., Paulo E. Santos, Jackson P. Matsuura, Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Transferring knowledge as heuristics in reinforcement learning: A case-based approach, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 226, September 2015, Pages 102-121, ISSN 0004-3702, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2015.05.008.

The goal of this paper is to propose and analyse a transfer learning meta-algorithm that allows the implementation of distinct methods using heuristics to accelerate a Reinforcement Learning procedure in one domain (the target) that are obtained from another (simpler) domain (the source domain). This meta-algorithm works in three stages: first, it uses a Reinforcement Learning step to learn a task on the source domain, storing the knowledge thus obtained in a case base; second, it does an unsupervised mapping of the source-domain actions to the target-domain actions; and, third, the case base obtained in the first stage is used as heuristics to speed up the learning process in the target domain.
A set of empirical evaluations were conducted in two target domains: the 3D mountain car (using a learned case base from a 2D simulation) and stability learning for a humanoid robot in the Robocup 3D Soccer Simulator (that uses knowledge learned from the Acrobot domain). The results attest that our transfer learning algorithm outperforms recent heuristically-accelerated reinforcement learning and transfer learning algorithms.

Finding the common utility of actions in several tasks learnt in the same domain in order to reduce the learning cost of reinforcement learning

Rosman, B.; Ramamoorthy, S., Action Priors for Learning Domain Invariances, Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE Transactions on , vol.7, no.2, pp.107,118, June 2015, DOI: 10.1109/TAMD.2015.2419715.

An agent tasked with solving a number of different decision making problems in similar environments has an opportunity to learn over a longer timescale than each individual task. Through examining solutions to different tasks, it can uncover behavioral invariances in the domain, by identifying actions to be prioritized in local contexts, invariant to task details. This information has the effect of greatly increasing the speed of solving new problems. We formalise this notion as action priors, defined as distributions over the action space, conditioned on environment state, and show how these can be learnt from a set of value functions. We apply action priors in the setting of reinforcement learning, to bias action selection during exploration. Aggressive use of action priors performs context based pruning of the available actions, thus reducing the complexity of lookahead during search. We additionally define action priors over observation features, rather than states, which provides further flexibility and generalizability, with the additional benefit of enabling feature selection. Action priors are demonstrated in experiments in a simulated factory environment and a large random graph domain, and show significant speed ups in learning new tasks. Furthermore, we argue that this mechanism is cognitively plausible, and is compatible with findings from cognitive psychology.

Efficient sampling of the agent-world interaction in reinforcement learning through the use of simulators with diverse fidelity to the real system

Cutler, M.; Walsh, T.J.; How, J.P., Real-World Reinforcement Learning via Multifidelity Simulators, Robotics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.31, no.3, pp.655,671, June 2015, DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2015.2419431.

Reinforcement learning (RL) can be a tool for designing policies and controllers for robotic systems. However, the cost of real-world samples remains prohibitive as many RL algorithms require a large number of samples before learning useful policies. Simulators are one way to decrease the number of required real-world samples, but imperfect models make deciding when and how to trust samples from a simulator difficult. We present a framework for efficient RL in a scenario where multiple simulators of a target task are available, each with varying levels of fidelity. The framework is designed to limit the number of samples used in each successively higher-fidelity/cost simulator by allowing a learning agent to choose to run trajectories at the lowest level simulator that will still provide it with useful information. Theoretical proofs of the framework’s sample complexity are given and empirical results are demonstrated on a remote-controlled car with multiple simulators. The approach enables RL algorithms to find near-optimal policies in a physical robot domain with fewer expensive real-world samples than previous transfer approaches or learning without simulators.

Reinforcement learning when a human is the one providing the rewards to the algorithm

W. Bradley Knox, Peter Stone, Framing reinforcement learning from human reward: Reward positivity, temporal discounting, episodicity, and performance, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 225, August 2015, Pages 24-50, ISSN 0004-3702, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2015.03.009.

Several studies have demonstrated that reward from a human trainer can be a powerful feedback signal for control-learning algorithms. However, the space of algorithms for learning from such human reward has hitherto not been explored systematically. Using model-based reinforcement learning from human reward, this article investigates the problem of learning from human reward through six experiments, focusing on the relationships between reward positivity, which is how generally positive a trainer’s reward values are; temporal discounting, the extent to which future reward is discounted in value; episodicity, whether task learning occurs in discrete learning episodes instead of one continuing session; and task performance, the agent’s performance on the task the trainer intends to teach. This investigation is motivated by the observation that an agent can pursue different learning objectives, leading to different resulting behaviors. We search for learning objectives that lead the agent to behave as the trainer intends.
We identify and empirically support a “positive circuits” problem with low discounting (i.e., high discount factors) for episodic, goal-based tasks that arises from an observed bias among humans towards giving positive reward, resulting in an endorsement of myopic learning for such domains. We then show that converting simple episodic tasks to be non-episodic (i.e., continuing) reduces and in some cases resolves issues present in episodic tasks with generally positive reward and—relatedly—enables highly successful learning with non-myopic valuation in multiple user studies. The primary learning algorithm introduced in this article, which we call “vi-tamer”, is the first algorithm to successfully learn non-myopically from reward generated by a human trainer; we also empirically show that such non-myopic valuation facilitates higher-level understanding of the task. Anticipating the complexity of real-world problems, we perform further studies—one with a failure state added—that compare (1) learning when states are updated asynchronously with local bias—i.e., states quickly reachable from the agent’s current state are updated more often than other states—to (2) learning with the fully synchronous sweeps across each state in the vi-tamer algorithm. With these locally biased updates, we find that the general positivity of human reward creates problems even for continuing tasks, revealing a distinct research challenge for future work.

Reinforcement learning applied to select which parts of a Neural Turing Machine are to be updated with backpropagation during learning

Wojciech Zaremba, Ilya Sutskever, Reinforcement Learning Neural Turing Machines, arXiv.org, arXiv:1505.00521.

The expressive power of a machine learning model is closely related to the number of sequential computational steps it can learn. For example, Deep Neural Networks have been more successful than shallow networks because they can perform a greater number of sequential computational steps (each highly parallel). The Neural Turing Machine (NTM) is a model that can compactly express an even greater number of sequential computational steps, so it is even more powerful than a DNN. Its memory addressing operations are designed to be differentiable; thus the NTM can be trained with backpropagation.
While differentiable memory is relatively easy to implement and train, it necessitates accessing the entire memory content at each computational step. This makes it difficult to implement a fast NTM. In this work, we use the Reinforce algorithm to learn where to access the memory, while using backpropagation to learn what to write to the memory. We call this model the RL-NTM. Reinforce allows our model to access a constant number of memory cells at each computational step, so its implementation can be faster. The RL-NTM is the first model that can, in principle, learn programs of unbounded running time. We successfully trained the RL-NTM to solve a number of algorithmic tasks that are simpler than the ones solvable by the fully differentiable NTM.
As the RL-NTM is a fairly intricate model, we needed a method for verifying the correctness of our implementation. To do so, we developed a simple technique for numerically checking arbitrary implementations of models that use Reinforce, which may be of independent interest.

Reinforcement learning to explain emotions

Joost Broekensa, Elmer Jacobsa & Catholijn M. Jonker, A reinforcement learning model of joy, distress, hope and fear, Connection Science, DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2015.1031081.

In this paper we computationally study the relation between adaptive behaviour and emotion. Using the reinforcement learning framework, we propose that learned state utility, V(s), models fear (negative) and hope (positive) based on the fact that both signals are about anticipation of loss or gain. Further, we propose that joy/distress is a signal similar to the error signal. We present agent-based simulation experiments that show that this model replicates psychological and behavioural dynamics of emotion. This work distinguishes itself by assessing the dynamics of emotion in an adaptive agent framework – coupling it to the literature on habituation, development, extinction and hope theory. Our results support the idea that the function of emotion is to provide a complex feedback signal for an organism to adapt its behaviour. Our work is relevant for understanding the relation between emotion and adaptation in animals, as well as for human–robot interaction, in particular how emotional signals can be used to communicate between adaptive agents and humans.

Application of reinforcement learning to the defense against attacks on communication networks

Kleanthis Malialisa, Sam Devlina & Daniel Kudenkoa, Distributed reinforcement learning for adaptive and robust network intrusion response, Connection Science, DOI: 0.1080/09540091.2015.1031082.

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks constitute a rapidly evolving threat in the current Internet. Multiagent Router Throttling is a novel approach to defend against DDoS attacks where multiple reinforcement learning agents are installed on a set of routers and learn to rate-limit or throttle traffic towards a victim server. The focus of this paper is on online learning and scalability. We propose an approach that incorporates task decomposition, team rewards and a form of reward shaping called difference rewards. One of the novel characteristics of the proposed system is that it provides a decentralised coordinated response to the DDoS problem, thus being resilient to DDoS attacks themselves. The proposed system learns remarkably fast, thus being suitable for online learning. Furthermore, its scalability is successfully demonstrated in experiments involving 1000 learning agents. We compare our approach against a baseline and a popular state-of-the-art throttling technique from the network security literature and show that the proposed approach is more effective, adaptive to sophisticated attack rate dynamics and robust to agent failures.

Reinforcement learning used for an adaptive attention mechanism, and integrated in an architecture with both top-down and bottom-up vision processing

Ognibene, D.; Baldassare, G., Ecological Active Vision: Four Bioinspired Principles to Integrate Bottom–Up and Adaptive Top–Down Attention Tested With a Simple Camera-Arm Robot, Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE Transactions on , vol.7, no.1, pp.3,25, March 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TAMD.2014.2341351.

Vision gives primates a wealth of information useful to manipulate the environment, but at the same time it can easily overwhelm their computational resources. Active vision is a key solution found by nature to solve this problem: a limited fovea actively displaced in space to collect only relevant information. Here we highlight that in ecological conditions this solution encounters four problems: 1) the agent needs to learn where to look based on its goals; 2) manipulation causes learning feedback in areas of space possibly outside the attention focus; 3) good visual actions are needed to guide manipulation actions, but only these can generate learning feedback; and 4) a limited fovea causes aliasing problems. We then propose a computational architecture (“BITPIC”) to overcome the four problems, integrating four bioinspired key ingredients: 1) reinforcement-learning fovea-based top-down attention; 2) a strong vision-manipulation coupling; 3) bottom-up periphery-based attention; and 4) a novel action-oriented memory. The system is tested with a simple simulated camera-arm robot solving a class of search-and-reach tasks involving color-blob “objects.” The results show that the architecture solves the problems, and hence the tasks, very efficiently, and highlight how the architecture principles can contribute to a full exploitation of the advantages of active vision in ecological conditions.

Active exploration strategy for RL in robots, and approximation of value function by Gaussian processes

Jen Jen Chung, Nicholas R.J. Lawrance, Salah Sukkarieh (2015), Learning to soar: Resource-constrained exploration in reinforcement learning, The International Journal of Robotics Research vol. 34, pp. 158-172. DOI: 10.1177/0278364914553683

This paper examines temporal difference reinforcement learning with adaptive and directed exploration for resource-limited missions. The scenario considered is that of an unpowered aerial glider learning to perform energy-gaining flight trajectories in a thermal updraft. The presented algorithm, eGP-SARSA(\u03bb), uses a Gaussian process regression model to estimate the value function in a reinforcement learning framework. The Gaussian process also provides a variance on these estimates that is used to measure the contribution of future observations to the Gaussian process value function model in terms of information gain. To avoid myopic exploration we developed a resource-weighted objective function that combines an estimate of the future information gain using an action rollout with the estimated value function to generate directed explorative action sequences. A number of modifications and computational speed-ups to the algorithm are presented along with a standard GP-SARSA(\u03bb) implementation with Formula -greedy exploration to compare the respective learning performances. The results show that under this objective function, the learning agent is able to continue exploring for better state-action trajectories when platform energy is high and follow conservative energy-gaining trajectories when platform energy is low.