Using EKF to estimate the state of a quadcopter in SE(3)

Goodarzi, F.A. & Lee, Global Formulation of an Extended Kalman Filter on SE(3) for Geometric Control of a Quadrotor UAV, J Intell Robot Syst (2017) 88: 395, DOI: 10.1007/s10846-017-0525-6.

An extended Kalman filter (EKF) is developed on the special Euclidean group, S E(3) for geometric control of a quadrotor UAV. It is obtained by performing an intrinsic form of linearization on S E(3) to estimate the state of the quadrotor from noisy measurements. The proposed estimator considers all of the coupling effects between rotational and translational dynamics, and it is developed in a coordinate-free fashion. The desirable features of the proposed EKF are illustrated by numerical examples and experimental results for several scenarios. The proposed estimation scheme on S E(3) has been unprecedented and these results can be particularly useful for aggressive maneuvers in GPS denied environments or in situations where parts of onboard sensors fail.

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