Lion Schulz, Rahul Bhui, Political reinforcement learners, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 28, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 210-222 DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2023.12.001.
Politics can seem home to the most calculating and yet least rational elements of humanity. How might we systematically characterize this spectrum of political cognition? Here, we propose reinforcement learning (RL) as a unified framework to dissect the political mind. RL describes how agents algorithmically navigate complex and uncertain domains like politics. Through this computational lens, we outline three routes to political differences, stemming from variability in agents\u2019 conceptions of a problem, the cognitive operations applied to solve the problem, or the backdrop of information available from the environment. A computational vantage on maladies of the political mind offers enhanced precision in assessing their causes, consequences, and cures.