Monthly Archives: June 2017

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Very efficient global non-linear optimization for real-time robotic problems through the re-use of pre-computed solutions

K. Hauser, “Learning the Problem-Optimum Map: Analysis and Application to Global Optimization in Robotics,” in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 141-152, Feb. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2016.2623345.

This paper describes a data-driven framework for approximate global optimization in which precomputed solutions to a sample of problems are retrieved and adapted during online use to solve novel problems. This approach has promise for real-time applications in robotics, since it can produce near globally optimal solutions orders of magnitude faster than standard methods. This paper establishes theoretical conditions on how many and where samples are needed over the space of problems to achieve a given approximation quality. The framework is applied to solve globally optimal collision-free inverse kinematics problems, wherein large solution databases are used to produce near-optimal solutions in a submillisecond time on a standard PC.

Varying the number of particles in a PF in order to improve the speed of convergence, with a short related work about adapting the number of particles for other goals

V. Elvira, J. Míguez and P. M. Djurić, “Adapting the Number of Particles in Sequential Monte Carlo Methods Through an Online Scheme for Convergence Assessment,” in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 1781-1794, April1, 1 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2016.2637324.

Particle filters are broadly used to approximate posterior distributions of hidden states in state-space models by means of sets of weighted particles. While the convergence of the filter is guaranteed when the number of particles tends to infinity, the quality of the approximation is usually unknown but strongly dependent on the number of particles. In this paper, we propose a novel method for assessing the convergence of particle filters in an online manner, as well as a simple scheme for the online adaptation of the number of particles based on the convergence assessment. The method is based on a sequential comparison between the actual observations and their predictive probability distributions approximated by the filter. We provide a rigorous theoretical analysis of the proposed methodology and, as an example of its practical use, we present simulations of a simple algorithm for the dynamic and online adaptation of the number of particles during the operation of a particle filter on a stochastic version of the Lorenz 63 system.

Qualitative robot navigation

Sergio Miguel-Tomé, Navigation through unknown and dynamic open spaces using topological notions, Connection Science, DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2016.1277691.

Until now, most algorithms used for navigation have had the purpose of directing system towards one point in space. However, humans communicate tasks by specifying spatial relations among elements or places. In addition, the environments in which humans develop their activities are extremely dynamic. The only option that allows for successful navigation in dynamic and unknown environments is making real-time decisions. Therefore, robots capable of collaborating closely with human beings must be able to make decisions based on the local information registered by the sensors and interpret and express spatial relations. Furthermore, when one person is asked to perform a task in an environment, this task is communicated given a category of goals so the person does not need to be supervised. Thus, two problems appear when one wants to create multifunctional robots: how to navigate in dynamic and unknown environments using spatial relations and how to accomplish this without supervision. In this article, a new architecture to address the two cited problems is presented, called the topological qualitative navigation architecture. In previous works, a qualitative heuristic called the heuristic of topological qualitative semantics (HTQS) has been developed to establish and identify spatial relations. However, that heuristic only allows for establishing one spatial relation with a specific object. In contrast, navigation requires a temporal sequence of goals with different objects. The new architecture attains continuous generation of goals and resolves them using HTQS. Thus, the new architecture achieves autonomous navigation in dynamic or unknown open environments.

A new Kalman Filter that is more robust under certain deviations of the gaussian hypothesis

Badong Chen, Xi Liu, Haiquan Zhao, Jose C. Principe, Maximum correntropy Kalman filter, Automatica, Volume 76, February 2017, Pages 70-77, ISSN 0005-1098, DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2016.10.004.

Traditional Kalman filter (KF) is derived under the well-known minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion, which is optimal under Gaussian assumption. However, when the signals are non-Gaussian, especially when the system is disturbed by some heavy-tailed impulsive noises, the performance of KF will deteriorate seriously. To improve the robustness of KF against impulsive noises, we propose in this work a new Kalman filter, called the maximum correntropy Kalman filter (MCKF), which adopts the robust maximum correntropy criterion (MCC) as the optimality criterion, instead of using the MMSE. Similar to the traditional KF, the state mean vector and covariance matrix propagation equations are used to give prior estimations of the state and covariance matrix in MCKF. A novel fixed-point algorithm is then used to update the posterior estimations. A sufficient condition that guarantees the convergence of the fixed-point algorithm is also given. Illustration examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the new algorithm.

A promising survey on robust estimation methods aimed at robotic applications

Michael Bosse, Gabriel Agamennoni and Igor Gilitschenski (2016), “Robust Estimation and Applications in Robotics”, Foundations and Trends® in Robotics: Vol. 4: No. 4, pp 225-269. DOI: 10.1561/2300000047.

Solving estimation problems is a fundamental component of numerous robotics applications. Prominent examples involve pose estimation, point cloud alignment, or object tracking. Algorithms for solving these estimation problems need to cope with new challenges due to an increased use of potentially poor low-cost sensors, and an ever growing deployment of robotic algorithms in consumer products which operate in potentially unknown environments. These algorithms need to be capable of being robust against strong nonlinearities, high uncertainty levels, and numerous outliers. However, particularly in robotics, the Gaussian assumption is prevalent in solutions to multivariate parameter estimation problems without providing the desired level of robustness. The goal of this tutorial is helping to address the aforementioned challenges by providing an introduction to robust estimation with a particular focus on robotics. First, this is achieved by giving a concise overview of the theory on M-estimation. M-estimators share many of the convenient properties of least-squares estimators, and at the same time are much more robust to deviations from the Gaussian model assumption. Second, we present several example applications where M-Estimation is used to increase robustness against nonlinearities and outliers.

Spatio-temporal maps for mobile robots: taking into account time into the map

João Machado Santos, Tomáš Krajník, Tom Duckett, Spatio-temporal exploration strategies for long-term autonomy of mobile robots, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 88, February 2017, Pages 116-126, ISSN 0921-8890, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2016.11.016.

We present a study of spatio-temporal environment representations and exploration strategies for long-term deployment of mobile robots in real-world, dynamic environments. We propose a new concept for life-long mobile robot spatio-temporal exploration that aims at building, updating and maintaining the environment model during the long-term deployment. The addition of the temporal dimension to the explored space makes the exploration task a never-ending data-gathering process, which we address by application of information-theoretic exploration techniques to world representations that model the uncertainty of environment states as probabilistic functions of time. We evaluate the performance of different exploration strategies and temporal models on real-world data gathered over the course of several months. The combination of dynamic environment representations with information-gain exploration principles allows to create and maintain up-to-date models of continuously changing environments, enabling efficient and self-improving long-term operation of mobile robots.

Efficient detection of glass obstacles when using a laser rangefinder

Xun Wang, JianGuo Wang, Detecting glass in Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 88, February 2017, Pages 97-103, ISSN 0921-8890, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2016.11.003.

Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) has become one of key technologies used in advanced robot platform. The current state-of-art indoor SLAM with laser scanning rangefinders can provide accurate realtime localisation and mapping service to mobile robotic platforms such as PR2 robot. In recent years, many modern building designs feature large glass panels as one of the key interior fitting elements, e.g. large glass walls. Due to the transparent nature of glass panels, laser rangefinders are unable to produce accurate readings which causes SLAM functioning incorrectly in these environments. In this paper, we propose a simple and effective solution to identify glass panels based on the specular reflection of laser beams from the glass. Specifically, we use a simple technique to detect the reflected light intensity profile around the normal incident angle to the glass panel. Integrating this glass detection method with an existing SLAM algorithm, our SLAM system is able to detect and localise glass obstacles in realtime. Furthermore, the tests we conducted in two office buildings with a PR2 robot show the proposed method can detect ∼ 95% of all glass panels with no false positive detection. The source code of the modified SLAM with glass detection is released as a open source ROS package along with this paper.

Improving sensory information, diagnosis and fault tolerance by using multiple sensors and sensor fusion, with a good related work section (2.3) on fault tolerance on data fusion

Kaci Bader, Benjamin Lussier, Walter Schön, A fault tolerant architecture for data fusion: A real application of Kalman filters for mobile robot localization, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 88, February 2017, Pages 11-23, ISSN 0921-8890, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2016.11.015.

Multisensor perception has an important role in robotics and autonomous systems, providing inputs for critical functions including obstacle detection and localization. It is starting to appear in critical applications such as drones and ADASs (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). However, this kind of complex system is difficult to validate comprehensively. In this paper we look at multisensor perception systems in relation to an alternative dependability method, namely fault tolerance. We propose an approach for tolerating faults in multisensor data fusion that is based on the more traditional method of duplication–comparison, and that offers detection and recovery services. We detail an example implementation using Kalman filter data fusion for mobile robot localization. We demonstrate its effectiveness in this case study using real data and fault injection.

A very good survey of visual saliency methods, with a list of robotic tasks that have benefit from attention

Ali Borji, Dicky N. Sihite, and Laurent Itti, Quantitative Analysis of Human-Model Agreement in Visual Saliency Modeling: A Comparative Study, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, V. 22, N. 1, 2013, DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2012.2210727.

Visual attention is a process that enables biological and machine vision systems to select the most relevant regions from a scene. Relevance is determined by two components: 1) top-down factors driven by task and 2) bottom-up factors that highlight image regions that are different from their surroundings. The latter are often referred to as “visual saliency.” Modeling bottom-up visual saliency has been the subject of numerous research efforts during the past 20 years, with many successful applications in computer vision and robotics. Available models have been tested with different datasets (e.g., synthetic psychological search arrays, natural images or videos) using different evaluation scores (e.g., search slopes, comparison to human eye tracking) and parameter settings. This has made direct comparison of models difficult. Here, we perform an exhaustive comparison of 35 state-of-the-art saliency models over 54 challenging synthetic patterns, three natural image datasets, and two video datasets, using three evaluation scores. We find that although model rankings vary, some models consistently perform better. Analysis of datasets reveals that existing datasets are highly center-biased, which influences some of the evaluation scores. Computational complexity analysis shows that some models are very fast, yet yield competitive eye movement prediction accuracy. Different models often have common easy/difficult stimuli. Furthermore, several concerns in visual saliency modeling,
eye movement datasets, and evaluation scores are discussed and insights for future work are provided. Our study allows one to assess the state-of-the-art, helps to organizing this rapidly growing field, and sets a unified comparison framework for gauging future efforts, similar to the PASCAL VOC challenge in the object recognition and detection domains.

A new method of clustering of data with many advantages w.r.t. others

A. Sharma, K. A. Boroevich, D. Shigemizu, Y. Kamatani, M. Kubo and T. Tsunoda, “Hierarchical Maximum Likelihood Clustering Approach,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 112-122, Jan. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2016.2542212.

In this paper, we focused on developing a clustering approach for biological data. In many biological analyses, such as multiomics data analysis and genome-wide association studies analysis, it is crucial to find groups of data belonging to subtypes of diseases or tumors. Methods: Conventionally, the k-means clustering algorithm is overwhelmingly applied in many areas including biological sciences. There are, however, several alternative clustering algorithms that can be applied, including support vector clustering. In this paper, taking into consideration the nature of biological data, we propose a maximum likelihood clustering scheme based on a hierarchical framework. Results: This method can perform clustering even when the data belonging to different groups overlap. It can also perform clustering when the number of samples is lower than the data dimensionality. Conclusion: The proposed scheme is free from selecting initial settings to begin the search process. In addition, it does not require the computation of the first and second derivative of likelihood functions, as is required by many other maximum likelihood-based methods. Significance: This algorithm uses distribution and centroid information to cluster a sample and was applied to biological data. A MATLAB implementation of this method can be downloaded from the web link