Bibiana Fari�a, Jonay Toledo, Leopoldo Acosta, Improving odometric sensor performance by real-time error processing and variable covariance, Mechatronics, Volume 98, 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2023.103123.
This paper presents a new method to increase odometric sensor accuracy by systematic and non-systematic errors processing. Mobile robot localization is improved combining this technique with a filter that fuses the information from several sensors characterized by their covariance. The process focuses on calculating the odometric speed difference with respect to the filter to implement an error type detection module in real time. The correction of systematic errors consists in an online parameter adjustment using the previous information and conditioned by the filter accuracy. This data is also applied to design a variable odometric covariance which describes the sensor reliability and determines the influence of both errors on the robot localization. The method is implemented in a low-cost autonomous wheelchair with a LIDAR, IMU and encoders fused by an UKF algorithm. The experimental results prove that the estimated poses are closer to the real ones than using other well-known previous methods.