Tag Archives: Real-time Systems In Practical Industries

There are people working on robotic software engineering these days :-O ! (real-time included)

Arturo Laurenzi, Davide Antonucci, Nikos G. Tsagarakis, Luca Muratore, The XBot2 real-time middleware for robotics, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 163, 2023 DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2023.104379.

This paper introduces XBot2, a novel real-time middleware for robotic applications with a strong focus on modularity and reusability of components, and seamless support for multi-threaded, mixed real-time (RT) and non-RT architectures. Compared to previous works, XBot2 focuses on providing a dynamic, ready-to-use hardware abstraction layer that allows users to make run-time queries about the robot topology, and act consequently, by leveraging an easy-to-use API that is fully RT-compatible. We provide an extensive description about implementation challenges and design decisions, and finally validate our architecture with multiple use-cases. These range from the integration of three popular simulation tools (i.e. Gazebo, PyBullet, and MuJoCo), to real-world tests involving complex, hybrid robotic platforms such as IIT\u2019s CENTAURO and MoCA robots.

Current state of the practical use of real-time systems, got through industry questionnaires

Akesson, B., Nasri, M., Nelissen, G. et al. A comprehensive survey of industry practice in real-time systems, Real-Time Syst 58, 358\u2013398 (2022) DOI: 10.1007/s11241-021-09376-1.

This paper presents results and observations from a survey of 120 industry practitioners in the field of real-time embedded systems. The survey provides insights into the characteristics of the systems being developed today and identifies important trends for the future. It extends the results from the survey data to the broader population that it is representative of, and discusses significant differences between application domains. The survey aims to inform both academics and practitioners, helping to avoid divergence between industry practice and academic research. The value of this research is highlighted by a study showing that the aggregate findings of the survey are not common knowledge in the real-time systems community.