Tag Archives: Line Segment Maps

Experimental comparison of methods for merging line segments in line-segment-based maps for mobile robots

Francesco Amigoni, Alberto Quattrini Li, Comparing methods for merging redundant line segments in maps, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 99, 2018, Pages 135-147, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2017.10.016.

Map building of indoor environments is considered a basic building block for autonomous mobile robots, enabling, among others, self-localization and efficient path planning. While the mainstream approach stores maps as occupancy grids of regular cells, some works have advocated for the use of maps composed of line segments to represent the boundary of obstacles, leveraging on their more compact size. In order to limit both the growth of the corresponding data structures and the effort in processing these maps, a number of methods have been proposed for merging together redundant line segments that represent the same portion of the environment. In this paper, we experimentally compare some of the most significant methods for merging line segments in maps by applying them to publicly available data sets. At the end, we propose some guidelines to choose the appropriate method.