Tag Archives: Active Slam

Comprehensive survey of the history and state of the art of active SLAM

J. A. Placed et al., A Survey on Active Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: State of the Art and New Frontiers, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 1686-1705 DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2023.3248510.

Active simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is the problem of planning and controlling the motion of a robot to build the most accurate and complete model of the surrounding environment. Since the first foundational work in active perception appeared, more than three decades ago, this field has received increasing attention across different scientific communities. This has brought about many different approaches and formulations, and makes a review of the current trends necessary and extremely valuable for both new and experienced researchers. In this article, we survey the state of the art in active SLAM and take an in-depth look at the open challenges that still require attention to meet the needs of modern applications. After providing a historical perspective, we present a unified problem formulation and review the well-established modular solution scheme, which decouples the problem into three stages that identify, select, and execute potential navigation actions. We then analyze alternative approaches, including belief-space planning and deep reinforcement learning techniques, and review related work on multirobot coordination. This article concludes with a discussion of new research directions, addressing reproducible research, active spatial perception, and practical applications, among other topics.

Continuous POMDPs through belief state sparsification, applied to active SLAM

Elimelech K, Indelman V. Simplified decision making in the belief space using belief sparsification. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2022;41(5):470-496 DOI: 10.1177/02783649221076381.

In this work, we introduce a new and efficient solution approach for the problem of decision making under uncertainty, which can be formulated as decision making in a belief space, over a possibly high-dimensional state space. Typically, to solve a decision problem, one should identify the optimal action from a set of candidates, according to some objective. We claim that one can often generate and solve an analogous yet simplified decision problem, which can be solved more efficiently. A wise simplification method can lead to the same action selection, or one for which the maximal loss in optimality can be guaranteed. Furthermore, such simplification is separated from the state inference and does not compromise its accuracy, as the selected action would finally be applied on the original state. First, we present the concept for general decision problems and provide a theoretical framework for a coherent formulation of the approach. We then practically apply these ideas to decision problems in the belief space, which can be simplified by considering a sparse approximation of their initial belief. The scalable belief sparsification algorithm we provide is able to yield solutions which are guaranteed to be consistent with the original problem. We demonstrate the benefits of the approach in the solution of a realistic active-SLAM problem and manage to significantly reduce computation time, with no loss in the quality of solution. This work is both fundamental and practical and holds numerous possible extensions.