Model-based reinforcement learning with a reduced number of basis functions to aproximate the value function, a study of its convergence guarantees, and a nice state of the art on the use of (mdel-based) reinforcement learning for automatic control

Rushikesh Kamalapurkar, Joel A. Rosenfeld, Warren E. Dixon, Efficient model-based reinforcement learning for approximate online optimal control, Automatica, Volume 74, 2016, Pages 247-258, ISSN 0005-1098, DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2016.08.004.

An infinite horizon optimal regulation problem is solved online for a deterministic control-affine nonlinear dynamical system using a state following (StaF) kernel method to approximate the value function. Unlike traditional methods that aim to approximate a function over a large compact set, the StaF kernel method aims to approximate a function in a small neighborhood of a state that travels within a compact set. Simulation results demonstrate that stability and approximate optimality of the control system can be achieved with significantly fewer basis functions than may be required for global approximation methods.

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