Laurent David, Isabelle Puaut, Static Determination of Probabilistic Execution Times, Proceedings of the 12th 16th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS’04). Link.
Most previous research done in probabilistic schedulability analysis assumes a known distribution of execution times for each task of a real-time application. This is however not trivial to determine it with a high level of confidence. Methods based on measurements are often biased since not in general exhaustive on all the possible execution paths, whereas methods based on static analysis are mostly Worst-Case Execution Time – WCET – oriented. Using static analysis, this work proposes a method to obtain probabilistic distributions of execution times. It assumes that the given real time application is divided into multiple tasks, whose source code is known. Ignoring in this paper hardware considerations and based only on the source code of the tasks, the proposed technique allows designers to associate to any execution path an execution time and a probability to go through this path. A source code example is presented to illustrate the method.