Shuai Qing, Fei Zhu, Refine to the essence: Less-redundant skill learning via diversity clustering, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 133, Part A, 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2024.107981.
In reinforcement learning, skill is a potentially conditional policy that solves tasks in a hierarchically controlled manner. Progress on skill discovery helps agents learn a set of diverse and useful skills without external supervision to tackle complex tasks with sparse rewards. Although most of the studies have aimed to maximize the diversity of skills discovered, the distinguishability between skills diminishes as the number of skills increases, leading to a subset of similar and redundant skills. To tackle this problem, a method called Refine to the Essence of Skills (RE-Skill) is proposed, which aims at learning skills with less redundancy. RE-Skill integrates the concepts of cluster analysis and policy distillation, clustering similar skills together based on their unique features, learning the most optimal performance within each cluster, and filtering out similar skills that involve excessive and intricate actions, thereby reducing redundancy among skills. By refining clusters of similar skills into less-redundant independent skills, RE-Skill demonstrates superior performance compared to other skill discovery algorithms and shows how these less-redundant skills effectively address downstream tasks, indicating that RE-Skill is able to extend its efficacy to engineering applications in robot control and obstacle training tasks within complex environments.