Category Archives: Cognitive Sciences

Reinforcement learning to explain emotions

Joost Broekensa, Elmer Jacobsa & Catholijn M. Jonker, A reinforcement learning model of joy, distress, hope and fear, Connection Science, DOI: 10.1080/09540091.2015.1031081.

In this paper we computationally study the relation between adaptive behaviour and emotion. Using the reinforcement learning framework, we propose that learned state utility, V(s), models fear (negative) and hope (positive) based on the fact that both signals are about anticipation of loss or gain. Further, we propose that joy/distress is a signal similar to the error signal. We present agent-based simulation experiments that show that this model replicates psychological and behavioural dynamics of emotion. This work distinguishes itself by assessing the dynamics of emotion in an adaptive agent framework – coupling it to the literature on habituation, development, extinction and hope theory. Our results support the idea that the function of emotion is to provide a complex feedback signal for an organism to adapt its behaviour. Our work is relevant for understanding the relation between emotion and adaptation in animals, as well as for human–robot interaction, in particular how emotional signals can be used to communicate between adaptive agents and humans.

Example of both bottom-up and top-down processes that are integrated in a solution for the recognition of shapes

Ching L. Teo, Cornelia Fermüller, and Yiannis Aloimonos, A Gestaltist approach to contour-based object recognition: Combining bottom-up and top-down cues, The International Journal of Robotics Research April 2015 34: 627-652, first published on March 25, 2015, DOI: 10.1177/0278364914558493.

This paper proposes a method for detecting generic classes of objects from their representative contours that can be used by a robot with vision to find objects in cluttered environments. The approach uses a mid-level image operator to group edges into contours which likely correspond to object boundaries. This mid-level operator is used in two ways, bottom-up on simple edges and top-down incorporating object shape information, thus acting as the intermediary between low-level and high-level information. First, the mid-level operator, called the image torque, is applied to simple edges to extract likely fixation locations of objects. Using the operator’s output, a novel contour-based descriptor is created that extends the shape context descriptor to include boundary ownership information and accounts for rotation. This descriptor is then used in a multi-scale matching approach to modulate the torque operator towards the target, so it indicates its location and size. Unlike other approaches that use edges directly to guide the independent edge grouping and matching processes for recognition, both of these steps are effectively combined using the proposed method. We evaluate the performance of our approach using four diverse datasets containing a variety of object categories in clutter, occlusion and viewpoint changes. Compared with current state-of-the-art approaches, our approach is able to detect the target with fewer false alarms in most object categories. The performance is further improved when we exploit depth information available from the Kinect RGB-Depth sensor by imposing depth consistency when applying the image torque.

Study of the explanation of probability and reasoning in the human mind through mental models, probability logic and classical logic

P.N. Johnson-Laird, Sangeet S. Khemlani, Geoffrey P. Goodwin, Logic, probability, and human reasoning, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 19, Issue 4, April 2015, Pages 201-214, ISSN 1364-6613, DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2015.02.006.

This review addresses the long-standing puzzle of how logic and probability fit together in human reasoning. Many cognitive scientists argue that conventional logic cannot underlie deductions, because it never requires valid conclusions to be withdrawn – not even if they are false; it treats conditional assertions implausibly; and it yields many vapid, although valid, conclusions. A new paradigm of probability logic allows conclusions to be withdrawn and treats conditionals more plausibly, although it does not address the problem of vapidity. The theory of mental models solves all of these problems. It explains how people reason about probabilities and postulates that the machinery for reasoning is itself probabilistic. Recent investigations accordingly suggest a way to integrate probability and deduction.

Neurological evidences of the hierarchical arrangement of the process of motor skill learning

Jörn Diedrichsen, Katja Kornysheva, Motor skill learning between selection and execution, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 19, Issue 4, April 2015, Pages 227-233, ISSN 1364-6613, DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2015.02.003.

Learning motor skills evolves from the effortful selection of single movement elements to their combined fast and accurate production. We review recent trends in the study of skill learning which suggest a hierarchical organization of the representations that underlie such expert performance, with premotor areas encoding short sequential movement elements (chunks) or particular component features (timing/spatial organization). This hierarchical representation allows the system to utilize elements of well-learned skills in a flexible manner. One neural correlate of skill development is the emergence of specialized neural circuits that can produce the required elements in a stable and invariant fashion. We discuss the challenges in detecting these changes with fMRI.

Novelty detection as a way for enhancing learning capabilities of a robot, and a brief but interesting survey of motivational theories and their difference with attention

Y. Gatsoulis, T.M. McGinnity, Intrinsically motivated learning systems based on biologically-inspired novelty detection, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 68, June 2015, Pages 12-20, ISSN 0921-8890, DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2015.02.006.

Intrinsic motivations play an important role in human learning, particularly in the early stages of childhood development, and ideas from this research field have influenced robotic learning and adaptability. In this paper we investigate one specific type of intrinsic motivation, that of novelty detection and we discuss the reasons that make it a powerful facility for continuous learning. We formulate and present one original type of biologically inspired novelty detection architecture and implement it on a robotic system engaged in a perceptual classification task. The results of real-world robot experiments we conducted show how this original architecture conforms to behavioural observations and demonstrate its effectiveness in terms of focusing the system’s attention in areas that are potential for effective learning.

Reinforcement learning used for an adaptive attention mechanism, and integrated in an architecture with both top-down and bottom-up vision processing

Ognibene, D.; Baldassare, G., Ecological Active Vision: Four Bioinspired Principles to Integrate Bottom–Up and Adaptive Top–Down Attention Tested With a Simple Camera-Arm Robot, Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE Transactions on , vol.7, no.1, pp.3,25, March 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TAMD.2014.2341351.

Vision gives primates a wealth of information useful to manipulate the environment, but at the same time it can easily overwhelm their computational resources. Active vision is a key solution found by nature to solve this problem: a limited fovea actively displaced in space to collect only relevant information. Here we highlight that in ecological conditions this solution encounters four problems: 1) the agent needs to learn where to look based on its goals; 2) manipulation causes learning feedback in areas of space possibly outside the attention focus; 3) good visual actions are needed to guide manipulation actions, but only these can generate learning feedback; and 4) a limited fovea causes aliasing problems. We then propose a computational architecture (“BITPIC”) to overcome the four problems, integrating four bioinspired key ingredients: 1) reinforcement-learning fovea-based top-down attention; 2) a strong vision-manipulation coupling; 3) bottom-up periphery-based attention; and 4) a novel action-oriented memory. The system is tested with a simple simulated camera-arm robot solving a class of search-and-reach tasks involving color-blob “objects.” The results show that the architecture solves the problems, and hence the tasks, very efficiently, and highlight how the architecture principles can contribute to a full exploitation of the advantages of active vision in ecological conditions.

Survey of Hierarchical Task Planning

Ilche Georgievski, Marco Aiello, 2015, HTN planning: Overview, comparison, and beyond, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 222, May 2015, Pages 124-156, ISSN 0004-3702, DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2015.02.002.

Hierarchies are one of the most common structures used to understand and conceptualise the world. Within the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) planning, which deals with the automation of world-relevant problems, Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning is the branch that represents and handles hierarchies. In particular, the requirement for rich domain knowledge to characterise the world enables HTN planning to be very useful, and also to perform well. However, the history of almost 40 years obfuscates the current understanding of HTN planning in terms of accomplishments, planning models, similarities and differences among hierarchical planners, and its current and objective image. On top of these issues, the ability of hierarchical planning to truly cope with the requirements of real-world applications has been often questioned. As a remedy, we propose a framework-based approach where we first provide a basis for defining different formal models of hierarchical planning, and define two models that comprise a large portion of HTN planners. Second, we provide a set of concepts that helps in interpreting HTN planners from the aspect of their search space. Then, we analyse and compare the planners based on a variety of properties organised in five segments, namely domain authoring, expressiveness, competence, computation and applicability. Furthermore, we select Web service composition as a real-world and current application, and classify and compare the approaches that employ HTN planning to solve the problem of service composition. Finally, we conclude with our findings and present directions for future work. In summary, we provide a novel and comprehensive viewpoint on a core AI planning technique.

On the process of the brain for detecting similarities, with a proposal for its structure and its timing

Qingfei Chen, Xiuling Liang, Peng Li, Chun Ye, Fuhong Li, Yi Lei, Hong Li, 2015, The processing of perceptual similarity with different features or spatial relations as revealed by P2/P300 amplitude, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Volume 95, Issue 3, March 2015, Pages 379-387, ISSN 0167-8760, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2015.01.009.

Visual features such as “color” and spatial relations such as “above” or “beside” have complex effects on similarity and difference judgments. We examined the relative impact of features and spatial relations on similarity and difference judgments via ERPs in an S1–S2 paradigm. Subjects were required to compare a remembered geometric shape (S1) with a second one (S2), and made a “high” or “low” judgment of either similarity or difference in separate blocks of trials. We found three main differences that suggest that the processing of features and spatial relations engages distinct neural processes. The first difference is a P2 effect in fronto-central regions which is sensitive to the presence of a feature difference. The second difference is a P300 in centro-parietal regions that is larger for difference judgments than for similarity judgments. Finally, the P300 effect elicited by feature differences was larger relative to spatial relation differences. These results supported the view that similarity judgments involve structural alignment rather than simple feature and relation matches, and furthermore, indicate the similarity judgment could be divided into three phases: feature or relation comparison (P2), structural alignment (P3 at 300–400 ms), and categorization (P3 at 450–550 ms).

On the role of emotions in cognition, in particular in cognitive control

Michael Inzlicht, Bruce D. Bartholow, Jacob B. Hirsh, 2015, Emotional foundations of cognitive control, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 19, Issue 3, March 2015, Pages 126-132, DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2015.01.004.

Often seen as the paragon of higher cognition, here we suggest that cognitive control is dependent on emotion. Rather than asking whether control is influenced by emotion, we ask whether control itself can be understood as an emotional process. Reviewing converging evidence from cybernetics, animal research, cognitive neuroscience, and social and personality psychology, we suggest that cognitive control is initiated when goal conflicts evoke phasic changes to emotional primitives that both focus attention on the presence of goal conflicts and energize conflict resolution to support goal-directed behavior. Critically, we propose that emotion is not an inert byproduct of conflict but is instrumental in recruiting control. Appreciating the emotional foundations of control leads to testable predictions that can spur future research.

On the not-so-domain-generic nature of statistical learning in the human brain

Ram Frost, Blair C. Armstrong, Noam Siegelman, Morten H. Christiansen, 2015, Domain generality versus modality specificity: the paradox of statistical learning, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 19, Issue 3, March 2015, Pages 117-125, DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2014.12.010.

Statistical learning (SL) is typically considered to be a domain-general mechanism by which cognitive systems discover the underlying distributional properties of the input. However, recent studies examining whether there are commonalities in the learning of distributional information across different domains or modalities consistently reveal modality and stimulus specificity. Therefore, important questions are how and why a hypothesized domain-general learning mechanism systematically produces such effects. Here, we offer a theoretical framework according to which SL is not a unitary mechanism, but a set of domain-general computational principles that operate in different modalities and, therefore, are subject to the specific constraints characteristic of their respective brain regions. This framework offers testable predictions and we discuss its computational and neurobiological plausibility.