Category Archives: Cognitive Sciences

The Evolutionary History of Brains for Numbers

Andreas Nieder, The Evolutionary History of Brains for Numbers, . Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 25, Issue 7, 2021, Pages 608-621 DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2021.03.012.

Humans and other animals share a number sense’, an intuitive understanding of countable quantities. Having evolved independent from one another for hundreds of millions of years, the brains of these diverse species, including monkeys, crows, zebrafishes, bees, and squids, differ radically. However, in all vertebrates investigated, the pallium of the telencephalon has been implicated in number processing. This suggests that properties of the telencephalon make it ideally suited to host number representations that evolved by convergent evolution as a result of common selection pressures. In addition, promising candidate regions in the brains of invertebrates, such as insects, spiders, and cephalopods, can be identified, opening the possibility of even deeper commonalities for number sense.

Building POMDPs under logical constraints

Bo Wu, Xiaobin Zhang, Hai Lin, Supervisor synthesis of POMDP via automata learning, . Automatica, Volume 129, 2021 DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109654.

Partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) is a comprehensive modeling framework that captures uncertainties from sensing noises, actuation errors, and environments. Traditional POMDP planning finds an optimal policy for reward maximization. However, for safety-critical applications, it is often necessary to guarantee system performance described by high-level temporal logic specifications. Hence, we are motivated to develop a supervisor synthesis framework for POMDP with respect to given formal specifications. We propose an iterative learning-based algorithm, which can learn a permissive policy in the form of a deterministic finite automaton. A human–robot collaboration case study validates the proposed algorithm.

State of the art of the convergence of Monte Carlo Exploring Starts RL, policy iteration kind, method

Jun Liu, On the convergence of reinforcement learning with Monte Carlo Exploring Starts, . Automatica, Volume 129, 2021 DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109693.

A basic simulation-based reinforcement learning algorithm is the Monte Carlo Exploring Starts (MCES) method, also known as optimistic policy iteration, in which the value function is approximated by simulated returns and a greedy policy is selected at each iteration. The convergence of this algorithm in the general setting has been an open question. In this paper, we investigate the convergence of this algorithm for the case with undiscounted costs, also known as the stochastic shortest path problem. The results complement existing partial results on this topic and thereby help further settle the open problem.

Approximating the value function of RL through Max-Plus algebra

Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Max-plus approximation for reinforcement learning, . Automatica, Volume 129, 2021 DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109623.

Max-Plus Algebra has been applied in several contexts, especially in the control of discrete events systems. In this article, we discuss another application closely related to control: the use of Max-Plus algebra concepts in the context of reinforcement learning. Max-Plus Algebra and reinforcement learning are strongly linked due to the latter’s dependence on the Bellman Equation which, in some cases, is a linear Max-Plus equation. This fact motivates the application of Max-Plus algebra to approximate the value function, central to the Bellman Equation and thus also to reinforcement learning. This article proposes conditions so that this approach can be done in a simple way and following the philosophy of reinforcement learning: explore the environment, receive the rewards and use this information to improve the knowledge of the value function. The proposed conditions are related to two matrices and impose on them a relationship that is analogous to the concept of weak inverses in traditional algebra.

Including attention mechanisms in long-short term memory

Lin, X., Zhong, G., Chen, K. et al, Attention-Augmented Machine Memory, . Cogn Comput 13, 751–760 (2021) DOI: 10.1007/s12559-021-09854-5.

Attention mechanism plays an important role in the perception and cognition of human beings. Among others, many machine learning models have been developed to memorize the sequential data, such as the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network and its extensions. However, due to lack of the attention mechanism, they cannot pay special attention to the important parts of the sequences. In this paper, we present a novel machine learning method called attention-augmented machine memory (AAMM). It seamlessly integrates the attention mechanism into the memory cell of LSTM. As a result, it facilitates the network to focus on valuable information in the sequences and ignore irrelevant information during its learning. We have conducted experiments on two sequence classification tasks for pattern classification and sentiment analysis, respectively. The experimental results demonstrate the advantages of AAMM over LSTM and some other related approaches. Hence, AAMM can be considered as a substitute of LSTM in the sequence learning applications.

Mixing logical planning with NNs for decision making

Zuo, G., Pan, T., Zhang, T. et al., SOAR Improved Artificial Neural Network for Multistep Decision-making Tasks, . Cogn Comput 13, 612–625 (2021) DOI: 10.1007/s12559-020-09716-6.

Recently, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied to various robot-related research areas due to their powerful spatial feature abstraction and temporal information prediction abilities. Decision-making has also played a fundamental role in the research area of robotics. How to improve ANNs with the characteristics of decision-making is a challenging research issue. ANNs are connectionist models, which means they are naturally weak in long-term planning, logical reasoning, and multistep decision-making. Considering that a small refinement of the inner network structures of ANNs will usually lead to exponentially growing data costs, an additional planning module seems necessary for the further improvement of ANNs, especially for small data learning. In this paper, we propose a state operator and result (SOAR) improved ANN (SANN) model, which takes advantage of both the long-term cognitive planning ability of SOAR and the powerful feature detection ability of ANNs. It mimics the cognitive mechanism of the human brain to improve the traditional ANN with an additional logical planning module. In addition, a data fusion module is constructed to combine the probability vector obtained by SOAR planning and the original data feature array. A data fusion module is constructed to convert the information from the logical sequences in SOAR to the probabilistic vector in ANNs. The proposed architecture is validated in two types of robot multistep decision-making experiments for a grasping task: a multiblock simulated experiment and a multicup experiment in a real scenario. The experimental results show the efficiency and high accuracy of our proposed architecture. The integration of SOAR and ANN is a good compromise between logical planning with small data and probabilistic classification with big data. It also has strong potential for more complicated tasks that require robust classification, long-term planning, and fast learning. Some potential applications include recognition of grasping order in multiobject environment and cooperative grasping of multiagents.

Physiological bases of navigation

Eva Zita Patai, Hugo J. Spiers, The Versatile Wayfinder: Prefrontal Contributions to Spatial Navigation, . Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages 520-533 DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2021.02.010.

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) supports decision-making, goal tracking, and planning. Spatial navigation is a behavior that taxes these cognitive processes, yet the role of the PFC in models of navigation has been largely overlooked. In humans, activity in dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC) and ventrolateral PFC (vlPFC) during detours, reveal a role in inhibition and replanning. Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) is implicated in planning and spontaneous internally-generated changes of route. Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) integrates representations of the environment with the value of actions, providing a ‘map’ of possible decisions. In rodents, medial frontal areas interact with hippocampus during spatial decisions and switching between navigation strategies. In reviewing these advances, we provide a framework for how different prefrontal regions may contribute to different stages of navigation.

Generating contrafactual explanations of Deep RL decisions to identify flawed agents

Matthew L. Olson, Roli Khanna, Lawrence Neal, Fuxin Li, Weng-Keen Wong, Counterfactual state explanations for reinforcement learning agents via generative deep learning, . Artificial Intelligence, Volume 295, 2021 DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2021.103455.

Counterfactual explanations, which deal with “why not?” scenarios, can provide insightful explanations to an AI agent’s behavior [Miller [38]]. In this work, we focus on generating counterfactual explanations for deep reinforcement learning (RL) agents which operate in visual input environments like Atari. We introduce counterfactual state explanations, a novel example-based approach to counterfactual explanations based on generative deep learning. Specifically, a counterfactual state illustrates what minimal change is needed to an Atari game image such that the agent chooses a different action. We also evaluate the effectiveness of counterfactual states on human participants who are not machine learning experts. Our first user study investigates if humans can discern if the counterfactual state explanations are produced by the actual game or produced by a generative deep learning approach. Our second user study investigates if counterfactual state explanations can help non-expert participants identify a flawed agent; we compare against a baseline approach based on a nearest neighbor explanation which uses images from the actual game. Our results indicate that counterfactual state explanations have sufficient fidelity to the actual game images to enable non-experts to more effectively identify a flawed RL agent compared to the nearest neighbor baseline and to having no explanation at all.

Studying magician tricks to understand decision making and how to influence it

Alice Pailhès, Gustav Kuhn, Mind Control Tricks: Magicians’ Forcing and Free Will, . Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 25, Issue 5, 2021, Pages 338-341 DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2021.02.001.

A new research program has recently emerged that investigates magicians’ mind control tricks, also called forces. This research highlights the psychological processes that underpin decision-making, illustrates the ease by which our decisions can be covertly influenced, and helps answer questions about our sense of free will and agency over choices.

Improving POMDP solving efficiency by eliminating variables in the state structure

Eric A. Hansen, An integrated approach to solving influence diagrams and finite-horizon partially observable decision processes, . Artificial Intelligence, Volume 294, 2021 DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2020.103431.

We show how to integrate a variable elimination approach to solving influence diagrams with a value iteration approach to solving finite-horizon partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). The integration of these approaches creates a variable elimination algorithm for influence diagrams that has much more relaxed constraints on elimination order, which allows improved scalability in many cases. The new algorithm can also be viewed as a generalization of the value iteration algorithm for POMDPs that solves non-Markovian as well as Markovian problems, in addition to leveraging a factored representation for improved efficiency. The development of a single algorithm that integrates and generalizes both of these classic algorithms, one for influence diagrams and the other for POMDPs, unifies these two approaches to solving Bayesian decision problems in a way that combines their complementary advantages.