
TYRELL is a project devoted to study the effects of the passage of time in reinforcement learning when applied to Robotics, an aspect often neglected in that field of research.

We work with both mobile and manipulator robots, simulated and real, learning a number of tasks and skills and examining a diversity of time behaviours, their influence on learning and their possible exploitation.


CALL: Spanish State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (PEICTI) 2021-2023
Knowledge Generation Projects 2023 – Non-oriented modality

CODE: PID2023-147392NB-I00

FUNDING: MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, ERDF A way of making Europe, and the European Union

TEAM: 2 PIs + 3 research team + 3 work team
Univ. of Málaga (Spain), Örebro Univ. (Sweeden), Embedded Systems Lab. – EPFL (Switzerland)

EVALUATION SCORE: 85.4 out of a maximum of 100
BUDGET: 153 375,00 €

PERIOD: 01 sept 2024 – 31 aug 2028 [oficially extended to 31 dec 2028 by Spanish Government]