Several people has collaborated or is collaborating in this project (inverse cronological order):
Sergio González Muriel. Student of the Degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Málaga. He is working on the use of reinforcement learning for robot manipulation in the context of a research initiation grant of our University.
Denisa Andreea Constantinescu. PhD student in the Mechatronics Engineering Doctoral Programme of the University of Málaga. She is working on the parallelization of methods of decision making under uncertainty, and has applied them to the V-REP simulator of the CRUMB robot.
Manuel Castellano Quero. PhD student in the Mechatronics Engineering Doctoral Programme of the University of Málaga. He is working in applying methods of Bayesian inference for sensorics. Some of its results have been implemented on CRUMB and its V-REP simulator.
Ángel Martínez-Tenor. PhD student in the Mechatronics Engineering Doctoral Programme. He is doing research on reinforcement learning to mobile robots, particularly on generalizing it as a core component of intelligent architectures. He has applied some of his research to the CRUMB robot and its simulators.
Iván Fernández-Vega. Former student in the Master on Mechatronics Engineering of the University of Málaga. He programmed the amazing simulation of CRUMB, its sensors and actuators, in V-REP, with connection with Matlab in ROS-style, that is being used by other members of the team.
Marina Aguilar-Moreno. Former student in the Master on Mechatronics Engineering of the University of Málaga. She programmed the likewise amazing simulation of CRUMB in ROS for her MSc Thesis, including very realistic modeling of the arm and the first kinematic model of that manipulator, not available before.
Dr. Vicente Arévalo Espejo. Senior researcher in the project. He works on computer vision and software for robotics, and collaborates with the research done on the CRUMB robot and the maintainance and programming of the robotic platform.
Dr. Ana Cruz-Martín. Senior researcher in the project. She works on unit testing, equipment acquisition, and coordination of the work of the rest of the team. She also collaborates in some of the lines of research involved in the CRUMB project, with especial interests in the educational applications of the platform. She also maintains a blog with a lot of interesting things (including CRUMB).
Dr. Juan-Antonio Fernández-Madrigal. Principal researcher. He tries hard to maintain the cognitive robotics line of research since more than a decade ago, and blames the whole research ecosystem when things do not go the way he wants (he is blaming most of the time).
We also wish to mention here the following people, who have contributed in one way or another:
- Jesús Bonill, the best responsible of regional projects in the Rectorate of the University of Málaga (and part of the outside world), who provided an invaluable assistance in obtaining this fund.
- Román Navarro, who served as our interface with Robotnik (the Spanish company that offers the robotic platform) and helped in customizing the robot to our needs.
- The other researchers of the not-funded regional project TEP-2279, Dr. Cipriano Galindo (Systems Engineering and Automation Dpt., Higher Technical School of Computer Science) and Miguel-Ángel Rando (Assessment, Treatment and Personality Dpt., Higher School of Psichology).