
From The BABEL Development Site
Revision as of 13:16, 24 May 2009 by Jlblanco (talk | contribs) (MRPT)

Installation of BABEL

BABEL package

To install the BABEL development system (currently available for Windows only), go to the main BABEL website:

And download the latest BABEL release (as of this writting, BABEL - Endymion v0.39). Uncompress this file anywhere on your system, as long as its path does not contain spaces, for instance, 'c:\BABEL'.

Environment variable: PATH

For usage of the latest generator for Visual Studio 2008, you must add these directories to your system PATH variable:

<YOUR PROGRAM FILES>/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/Common7/IDE
<YOUR PROGRAM FILES>/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/bin/

Installing library dependencies

NOTE: These instructions DO NOT apply to the currently released version of BABEL yet!!

A BABEL module may have non-portable software dependencies, which means that the target system must have some pre-installed software library in order to compile and/or execute the module.

We enumerate next the libraries used by some of these modules, among instructions for installing them.


Easiest way

Download the installer packages for OpenCV 1.0.0 or OpenCV 1.1.0 from:


To enjoy of the latest version of OpenCV, check out a SVN snapshot (install TortoiseSVN) from:

And follow the compiling instructions to generate the project files using CMake, then compile everything in Release and Debug.

Remember to add these directories to your system PATH:




If you don't want/need to compile MRPT from sources, just download the latest installer package ("Precompiled packages") from:

Only if you need/have to hack MRPT sources

Compile MRPT as explained here.

Remember to add these directories to your system PATH:
