Architecture:Data Types
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Data types defined in BABEL::COMMON
<cpp> /*
BABEL IDL file automatically generated by BABEL v03.700 accompanying the ICE module server_traker (C) Juan Antonio Fernández Madrigal, 2000-2004
- /
module BABEL { interface COMMON { /* --------------------- Pre-definitions ------------------------ */ struct ParamValue { string param; string value; }; typedef sequence<ParamValue> SeqOfParamValuePairs;
typedef sequence<string> SeqOfStrings;
typedef sequence<octet> SeqOfBytes; typedef sequence<boolean> SeqOfBools;
typedef sequence<float> SeqOfFloats; typedef sequence<double> SeqOfDoubles;
typedef sequence<short> SeqOfShorts; typedef sequence<unsigned short> SeqOfUShorts; typedef sequence<long> SeqOfLongs; typedef sequence<unsigned long> SeqOfULongs;
typedef sequence<unsigned long long> SeqOfULongLongs;
// Points, poses and matrices typedef double TMatrix33[3][3]; typedef double TMatrix44[4][4]; typedef double TPose2D[3]; typedef double TPose3D[6]; typedef double TPoint2D[2]; typedef double TPoint3D[3]; typedef sequence<TPoint2D> SeqOfPoints2D; typedef sequence<TPoint3D> SeqOfPoints3D;
// Number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).
typedef unsigned long long TTimeStamp;
}; // End of interface
}; // End of module