@echo off rem --- edit these variable params (set bauds to 115200 for UNO and 57600 for duemilanove) set BUILDPATH=.\build set BINPATH=C:\Users\jafma\Downloads\arduino-1.0.5-r2\hardware\tools\avr set PORT=COM5 set BAUDS=115200 rem --- Do not edit the following: set FILENAME=%~n1 IF [%FILENAME%] == [] ( echo You must provide a file name for the program, without extension. exit /b ) set CPU=atmega328p set OPTION=arduino @echo on rem --- upload "%BINPATH%\bin\avrdude" -C"%BINPATH%\etc\avrdude.conf" -v -v -v -v -p%CPU% -c%OPTION% -P%PORT% -b%BAUDS% -D -Uflash:w:"%BUILDPATH%\%FILENAME%.hex":i